Book review: Mim Skinner – Living Together.
Mim is looking for a community where she can live with her husband and baby. The book is about her journey to find a suitable community, and also a research book into communal living in general.
So what’s this got to do with nudists? Not a lot, except Mim visited Spielplatz Naturist Resort, also known as The Naked Village, as part of her research.
One of the interesting aspects of the book for me is reading about myself as seen by an outsider. Mim was somewhat nervous about visiting a nudist club, not because nude, but because she had to camp in a tent! I can’t really elaborate much more than the cover blurb, it is an interesting read, with the bonus of a bit of nudism thrown in. It’s very readable, fun and light hearted for the most part, and an eye opener about communal living.